The 3DS has a cool idea. People will probably buy it so they can tell people they have a 3DS, and take funny 3D pictures of their friends. But it's in danger of losing the serious gamer market. Except for Street Fighter, all the launch titles are somewhat casual and "fun", and we have to wait for a while longer before we get Resi Evil Mecenaries and Ocarina of Time 3D. But hear me out. What would really get people to buy this console as a gaming console would be to have a little chat with Nintendo's old friends Square Enix.
Seeing as Square seem to have removed the Playstation exclusive status from their main series FF titles (FFVIII, however poor, was on the Xbox as well as PS3), they could be willing to produce 3D remakes of Final Fantasies VII, VIII, IX and X. Imagine fighting Safer Sepiroth in glorious 3D, or Ultimecia achieving Time Compression around you. Even the brilliant handheld fighter Dissidia could make it on, followed by 0012 as well.
The mere idea of these games makes me want to buy a 3DS, but I think I'll be waiting until I don't have to sell the blood of my firstborn to do so.