The angry American shouters are right; we do indeed live in a godless nation. However, this appears to be a good thing. From the decisions I’ve seen from our always white, always Christian leaders, the big chap with the big beard in the sky seems to be a bit of a twizzler.
Apparently he condones the banks taking massive amounts of money from the taxpayer to mess around with in the giant playground that is the financial sector, until the big nasty bullies come and take it from them, promising they’ll give it back, but they never do. But it’s OK for the silly little overgrown children; the nice government people will just wag their fingers, put a little cap on their million-pound bonuses and then leave them to carry on with playtime. Only there ISN’T ANY MONEY. The government have instead decided to take money from us, and raise our taxes rather than give out lunchtime detention to the banking sector. Additionally, we all apparently spend our lives stabbing each other and then joyously urinating over the corpses, so we all need to be caught on CCTV thousands of time a day. If crime rates haven’t risen for 15 years, then why capture hours of video of everyone in the country, unless it’s because you see the plight of the plebs as a really rather amusing reality television show in which you can control the outcome. It’s all a bit like sitting at home smacking yourself in the knee with a used heroin needle while listening to Oasis; it helps no-one.
Oh, and another thing. I was recently embarrassed in public by claiming crime rates were rising. I received this mistaken idea by watching BBC Breakfast, a delightfully fuzzy version of the world in which we are spoon-fed the governments spin on world events by two lovely smiley presenters. They would have us believe that half of British youth owns a knife and drink and take drugs while underage, which of course our parents and their parents didn’t do. No, not at all. What I’m trying to say is that the public isn’t stupid, and we aren’t going to take your lies, stupidity and general crap for too much longer. Just put Messyrs Fry or Clarkson in charge, and everything will be fine.
Good day to you all.
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