Tuesday 21 June 2011

Death is not the cleanser

A few weeks ago, I was making a (perhaps slightly in poor taste) joke about Osama Bin Laden, and later one about Jade Goody. I was told angrily both times, by the same person, not to "disrespect the dead". Now excuse if I'm being inconsiderate here, but if a person who had no qualms (allegedly) about ordering thousands of people to be killed and a person who made a career out of being ignorant and racist die, does this suddenly elevate them to the point of some kind of saint? Last time I checked, being racist twice doesn't count as your two miracles. What I'm really trying to say is that if a person does things to attract ridicule in life, dying does not cleanse them of that and make them better than me, because I'm not dead. It all goes a bit Final Fantasy X: "The world is bette governed in death" on you, and you begin to feel like maybe you should be dead too, to join in on the party.

More on this later.

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